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編譯器和標準函式庫 (英文)

The main Swift repository contains the source code for the Swift compiler and standard library, as well as related components such as SourceKit (for IDE integration), the Swift regression test suite, and implementation-level documentation.

Compiler Architecture

As a whole, the Swift compiler in principally responsible for translating Swift source code into efficient, executable machine code. However, the Swift compiler front-end also supports a number of other tools, including IDE integration with syntax coloring, code completion, and other conveniences. This document provides a high-level description of the major components of the Swift compiler:

Standard Library Design

The Swift standard library encompasses a number of data types, protocols and functions, including fundamental data types (e.g., Int, Double), collections (e.g., Array, Dictionary) along with the protocols that describe them and algorithms that operate on them, characters and strings, and low-level primitives (e.g., UnsafeMutablePointer). The implementation of the standard library resides in the stdlib/public subdirectory within the Swift repository, which is further subdivided into:

The Swift standard library is written in Swift, but because it is the lowest-level Swift code in the stack—responsible for implementing the core data types on which other Swift code is built—it is a bit different from normal Swift code. Some of the differences include: